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Women in Tunisia.

حزين أليس كذلك. الحلقة الثانية من الحياة في الوطن🇹🇳

هناك أماكن يمكن أن تؤدي إلى المساعدة دون وصمة عار.
هذه الأماكن متاحة متاحة الآن ، لكن للأسف ، يرجى الإشارة إلى أن هذه الأماكن تستحق التألق. . إنها مأساة😭

هناك حالات زواج ، موجودة في تلك الفترة ، هناك قوانين موجودة في تلك الفترة.
كل هذا الهراء حول كون تونس تقدمية والمساواة يجعلني غاضبًا ، لأن رحلات الذين لم يغادروا في عطلة لكنهم لم يغامروا المناطق بالخروج من السياحة البلاستيكية ، أو لم يعشوا هناك ... أكاذيب التقدم .... وتعرضهم لخطر كبير.

الحقيقة هي أن تبعد بمسافة كبيرة عن الأرض والحريات والتقدم بشكل عام ... حفيداتهم العظماء نتائج هذه المعارك .... لكن من المنتجات أن التونسية اليوم لن ترى نتائجها.😭
you right

Aswaat Nissaa launches a “Stop feminicide” petition​

By D. | 3 hours ago Nov 1, 2022


The Aswaat Nissaa association has launched a petition to the Tunisian state to denounce violence against women.

Below is the text of the petition:

Because… It's a woman!

One more woman was murdered on October 29, 2022 in Kef. The assassin, her husband and father of her two children, doused her with petrol and set her on fire.

This heinous and particularly savage crime comes as Refka Cherni's killer, also killed by her husband on May 9, 2021 in the same city, has still not been tried. o_O

She too was murdered, like all the others before them, because she is a woman who has fallen under the domination and power of a man.

how many are they? How many are they? The silence of the Tunisian state on the figures of feminicides and its inaction are no longer acceptable.

We, organizations, associations, activists and citizen signatories:

– Strongly condemn this heinous crime and express our absolute support to the family of the victim

– We denounce the indifference and inaction of the Tunisian State in the face of the multiple murders of women by spouses or ex-spouses relayed by the media or associations and demand that the official figures on these crimes be made public

– Call for the implementation of a national plan to fight against intra-family violence and prevent feminicide, an adapted budget for the fight against violence against women and the application of Law 58/2018 on the elimination of violence against women.


Amel Moussa Belhaj : We are unhappy with efforts to address violence against women​

By Ines | 4 minutes ago Nov 25, 2022


The Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly organized an international symposium on the theme “the role of social structures in the prevention of violence against women”, in Tunis

Amel Moussa Belhaj, Minister of Family, Women, Children and Seniors, said during his speech that efforts to combat violence against women are insufficient.

“We view efforts to address violence against women with displeasure, as the preventative side has not emphasized enough the need to eradicate normalization with violence against women. The effort is limited on supporting women after being subjected to violence,” she said.

Furthermore, Moussa Belhaj pointed out that the complaints received from the ministry have increased, since 5,000 calls were received in 2022, of which 800 women were victims of violence, and the husband was the party initiating the complaint. violence at around 80%.


Femicide: A woman dies every week!​

By D. | 2 hours ago Nov 25, 2022

Zoubeida Nakib, coordinator of the national office of active women of the UGTT declared on the microphone of Tunisia that feminicides have become more frequent in Tunisia.

A woman dies every week or every ten days under the blows of a man. Generally, it is the husband, the ex-husband, the father and sometimes even the son and this, for essentially economic reasons ” she declared denouncing violence against women.


Aswat Nissa: In Tunisia, 15 femicides committed since the beginning of 2023​

By D. | 2 hours ago May 24, 2023

Speaking at the microphone of Tunisie Numérique, the executive director of Aswat Nissa Sarra Ben Saïd pointed to the increase in cases of violence against women during the past period in a deafening silence on the part of the authorities.

She revealed that 15 feminicides have been committed since the beginning of the current year, including 12 cases of domestic violence, based on figures from Aswat Nissa and the association of women and women. citizenship in Kef.

According to her, 80% of the women concerned have decided to file complaints and go to court to put an end to their suffering.

Unfortunately, the state has abandoned its role! The feminist dynamic has filed 16 requests since last November to call on the Ministry of Women to implement Organic Law No. 2017-58 of August 11, 2017 and activate protection mechanisms,” she said .

Our speaker added that a listening unit has been set up for the benefit of women victims of violence, stressing that cases of violence have doubled due to political and economic factors in the country.

Last week, we called on the Bouden government to hold an urgent ministerial council to deal with the issue of feminicides and put an end to this phenomenon. On the other side, the Ministry of Women has undertaken to organize a national conference on this subject, a study is also in progress ” revealed Sarra ben Saïd calling on decision makers to intervene to fight against impunity.


17 feminicides since the beginning of 2023: These are no longer isolated cases, they are a phenomenon according to ATFD [Statement]​

By D. | 2 hours ago May 26, 2023

Speaking at the microphone of Tunisie Numérique, the president of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (ATFD) Neila Zoghlami revealed that 17 feminicides have been recorded in Tunisia since the beginning of the year , including 1 5 which were committed by a family member .

Our speaker considered that these are no longer isolated cases but rather a dangerous phenomenon that requires urgent intervention on the part of the State.

She added that the competent authorities are called upon to develop a strategy and allocate a budget for the fight against violence against women.

" An urgent ministerial council should take place with the participation of the Ministries of Justice, Interior and Women to implement Organic Law No. 2017-58 and activate the protection mechanisms," she said . .
Neila Zoghlami also explained that this phenomenon is gaining momentum due to impunity, adding that legal cases drag on a lot.

Reforms are needed across all sectors to end femicide.

The efforts of civil society remain insufficient in the absence of the State ” according to the leader of the ATFD.


Femicide in Tunisia: A scourge that is setting in…​

By D. | 1 hour ago June 6, 2023


Femicide, as defined by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), is the most extreme form of violence against women and their inequality. It is often confused, in the texts of laws, with homicide, which makes the classification of crimes a little more complicated, but no one can deny that it is a real societal phenomenon on the rise.

The women; privileged targets throughout history…​

History, in a general way, teaches us that women were stoned, buried alive, killed, disemboweled or even burned alive by their relatives… They had different names and lives but they looked alike without even knowing it; the same fate: a sad end.

It all starts with a simple “NO”, the refusal could concern violence, harassment, separation, deception or other…
At the beginning, an argument breaks out, a slap, kicks and then death...under the eyes of the children.
As Simone de Beauvoir said, “ All it takes is a political, economic or religious crisis for women's rights to be endangered. These rights are never taken for granted; you must remain vigilant throughout your life ”.

Femicide in Tunisia: A scourge, a real...​

In Tunisia, violence against women is defined in Article 3 of Law 58-201 7 as " any physical, moral, sexual or economic attack against women, based on discrimination based on sex and which results in harm, suffering or bodily, psychological, sexual or economic harm to them and also includes the threat of such harm, pressure or deprivation of rights and freedoms, whether in life public or private ”.

According to the same article, the murder of a woman designated by the term homicide is a physical violence which is "any harmful act or ill-treatment affecting the integrity or the physical safety of the woman or her life, such as beatings, kicks, wounds, thrusts, disfigurement, burns, mutilation of certain parts of the body, confinement, torture and homicide. »

Being the pioneer for women's rights in the Arab world, there is no shortage of laws in this country, including the famous Law No. 58 mentioned above, it is rather the protection and monitoring system that is pointed out by activists and deemed ineffective since women continue to die every day under the blows.
And this is proven by the terrifying figures that illustrate a nightmarish reality : the resurgence of feminicides which continues in the indifference of society.

More than 10 feminicides in less than 6 months...​

Refka Charni, shot dead by her national guard officer husband on May 10, 2021, a crime that shocked Tunisian public opinion.
Wafa Sebai immolated by her ex-husband on October 29, 2022 and so many other women have been murdered by their intimate partners. Singular destinies, whose common point is to have suffered the influence of a husband, ex-husband or partner until death.

Mothers, sisters, daughters and elderly women have been victims of murder by their father, brother, son or other male family member or sometimes even by a stranger, such as the case of Rahma Lahmar 29 years old , found in a ditch in Aïn Zaghouan on the outskirts of Tunis, four days after her family reported her missing on her way home from work. Some people have called for the application of the death penalty against the murder of women, ” reads the UNFPA report .

And that's not all…​

Souad Souidi, mother of two daughters, was strangled to death by her husband on April 13 in Nasrallah, under the governorate of Kairouan.
On April 15, a woman was killed by her husband. She received several stab wounds in various parts of her body in Menzah 6 . While trying to defend her, the victim's friend was in turn attacked by the husband.
An investigation has been opened to determine the circumstances of this murder.

On April 29, the body of a 30-year-old woman, bearing the marks of violence, was admitted to Monastir hospital.
The husband of the deceased, then presented himself to the police to declare that he is responsible for the death of his wife explaining that he just wanted to call her a bewitchment! And this, by plunging his hand deep inside her throat.

The General Directorate of National Security announced on May 3 the arrest of a taxi driver in Ariana who intentionally hit a woman near the market in the region.
6 days later, another tragedy took place in Kondar, within the governorate of Sousse, where a 30-year-old pregnant woman and mother of 3 children was violently strangled by her husband.

During the same week, the supervisory ministry announced that it had received an alert concerning the suspicious death of an infant in Tunis, indicating that the mother, aged 37, had been taken care of.
The woman was abused herself, and revealed that her husband used to abuse her and her baby. The day of the tragedy when the infant died, the father wanted to bury him, without informing the authorities, before fleeing.

The association in question has, in fact, 15 feminicides since the beginning of the current year, including 12 cases of domestic violence , that is what President Sarra Ben Saïd said at the microphone of Tunisie Numérique.
She said that 80% of the women concerned have made the choice to file complaints and go to court to put an end to their suffering .

Neila Zoghlami, president of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women ( ATFD ), for her part, indicated that the number rose to 17 cases !

Our speaker considered that these are no longer isolated cases but rather a dangerous phenomenon that requires urgent intervention on the part of the State.

8 out of 9 feminicides were perpetrated by a family member and in 5 cases, the perpetrator was the spouse . The causes are generally related to separation, divorce, jealousy and others… Most women victims of femicide are most often aged between 19 and 30 years old . The majority are married with children .

46% of victims do not work or are in vulnerable professions , such as housekeepers or women working in factories, etc. And to add that feminicides are generally committed in the places where the woman lives, say in 61% of the cases .

We also tried to see if the aggressor had a psychiatric or legal history or if he used alcohol, but we found that only 3% of the perpetrators used alcohol and drugs . The majority of perpetrators have no history, neither legal nor psychiatric.
It should be mentioned that, in general, the data is not easily accessible , which is why there must be a credible database in order to be able to take the necessary measures ” explained the Head of the office of the UNFPA Rym Fayala .
Moreover, this is what we encountered while trying to get official figures on feminicides, Tunisie Numérique tried to solicit, on many occasions, answers from officials of the Ministry of Women, but in vain….

Civil society is mobilizing...​

On November 1, 2022, the feminist collective, made up of several associations and organizations active in the defense of women's rights, organized a press conference to denounce the silence of the State and the failure of its institutions in taking caring for women who are victims of violence .
A press release was also signed by feminist associations and activists denouncing the indifference and inaction of the Tunisian State in the face of the multiple murders of women by spouses and ex-spouses relayed by the media or associations while demanding a count feminicide official.

In this regard, the parties concerned stressed the importance of having quality data in order to know the motivations and circumstances of the murders of women.
On the occasion of the 16 days of activism of the year 2022, organizations have put awareness against femicides on their agendas.

The Ministry of Women calls for concerted efforts!​

The women's ministry said cases of violence against women in Tunisia are on the rise .
According to the same source, more than 900 calls on cases of violence, of which 654 the aggressor is the husband, were received on the toll-free number 1899 .
The ministry also called for concerted efforts for the categorical rejection of all manifestations of normalization with violence against women as well as the strengthening of the application of Law No. 58.

On May 15, Minister Amel Haj Moussa said that her department is preparing a study on feminicides considering that this phenomenon threatens the family and Tunisian society.

Failure of the State in the care of victims​

Despite these reactions, activists and defenders of women's rights have seen a series of failures by the competent authorities .
For them, the feminicides of Refka and Wafa, as well as the other conjugal feminicides, could have been avoided . And that's what angered them more and mobilized them...

Associations and activists point to the shortcomings and dysfunctions in the care of victims by the state actors concerned: complaints closed without action or remaining without resolution for an unreasonable period of time, the absence of a culture of protection while the devices exist, the protection order and the police protection measures underused, the lack of coordination between the interveners, the number of emergency accommodation places limited, the dangerousness of the perpetrators of violence not taken into consideration, the judgments being delayed, lenient decisions for the benefit of the aggressors, the poorly measured risks, the deep-rooted feeling of impunity and the poorly applied legal arsenal” according to UNFPA.

They explain, in fact, that the perpetrators are rarely sanctioned by a measure of removal by the police and the special units are sometimes satisfied with a commitment on the part of the perpetrator of the violence to no longer attack the victim.

So what needs to be done to end violence against women?

For this, it is high time that the public authorities put in place an adequate budgetary response capable of combating this tragedy and further consolidating the protective approach of Law 58-2017
Apart from the need to create a database on cases of violence and the fact of making statistics on feminicide cases public, the Tunisian government is called upon to strengthen the training of the police, judges and prosecutors in the requirements of law 2017-58 and to hold them to account when they refrain from registering complaints, issuing and enforcing protection orders and investigating cases of violence against women, according to UNFPA.

This also means raising awareness of support services for victims of violence (particularly domestic violence) and setting up awareness and education campaigns for the general public, to change social attitudes favorable to violence against women. women, according to the same source.

Don't be afraid anymore, don't forgive attacks anymore, and never withdraw your complaints...​

If you feel you are in danger, don't wait for death threats.
Ask for help and don't be afraid of the judgment of others...
Call the green number: 1899 , contact the services concerned or request support to protect your life…


Tunisia-Study on economic and social cost of violence against women will cost 319,158 dinars​

By R
| 9 août 2023


The Research Center for Documentation and Information Studies on Women (CREDIF) under the Ministry of Women reported today the results of CREDIF’s call for tenders 01/2023
for the production of a study on “the economic and social cost of violence against women”.

This study will be carried out in three stages within 15 months by an Institute of marketing studies and opinion polls at a cost of about 319,158 dinars.

Tunisia – Violence against women increased by 4.33%

By LM | August 24, 2023 at 8:09 PM

The General Directorate of National Security has released figures on violence against women and children.These figures show that this violence increased during the first half of 2023, by 4.33% compared to the same period of 2022.

The number of cases recorded in this register reached 26,956 cases, including 20,381 cases of violence against women, and 6,575 cases of violence against children. Of which nearly 60% physical violence.

Tunisia-Joey Hood: “Tunisia is showing good will to change situation of women victims of violence”​

By R
| 29 septembre 2023


During his meeting today with the Minister of Families, Women, Children and the Elderly Ms Amel Belhaj Moussa, the U.S Ambassador to Tunis Joey Hood stated that Tunisia is a country pioneer in the region in the fight against violence against women and children. “Tunisia has shown goodwill to change the situation of women and children, victims of violence,” adds Joey Hood.

The US Ambassador in Tunis welcomed Tunisia’s experience in the area of support for women’s rights, the encouragement of women entrepreneurs, and women’s private initiative in the creation of SMEs and SMEs.

According to the Ministry of Women, it was consented during the meeting to set up a joint working group for collaboration in the ministry’s programs related to the economic empowerment of women.


Tunisia - In Tunisia, feminicides quadrupled between 2018 and 2023 :eek:

By R
| 24 novembre 2023


According to the results of a report prepared by the Ministry of Women and Family, the number of women killed in Tunisia has quadrupled in five years, moving from 6 femicides registered in 2018 to 23 femicides recorded in 2023. Note that 52.17% of female victims are married.

The report was based on a sample of 69 crimes documented in 19 governorates of the country between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2023. The results also indicate that the number of femicides has not yet increased during the Covid period. -19, in contrast to the number of cases of violence against women.

Note that this report reveals that femicides by spouse represent 73% of femicides recorded. “All age groups could be targets of femicide. The level of education is not an obstacle for this type of crime,” underlines the Ministry of Women and Family.


Tunisia – Number of attacks against women doubled in 2023 :eek:

By R
| 30 janvier 2024


The Minister of Families, Women, Children and the Elderly, Amal Belhaj Moussa, declared this Tuesday, January 30, concerning the number of notifications received on the toll-free number for reporting violence, that 17,000 notifications were registered during the year 2023, a sharp upsurge compared to the number of notifications in 2022 which, according to it, amounted to 8,000 notifications.


Tunisia – Nabeul : Towards creation of shelter for women victims of violence​

By R
| 16 février 2024


Nabeul governorate has documented several instances of violence against women and children in February, with one of the most alarming cases being the murder of a 21-year-old mother of two. She was strangled with an electrical cord by her husband following domestic disputes. Further, on February 9, 2024, in the Maamoura region, a father was sentenced to sexually assaulting his 13-year-old daughter, resulting in her pregnancy.

Against this backdrop, Anwar Halloumi, the head of the regional office of the Tunisian Organization for Education and Family in Nabeul, reported today that the organization is actively pursuing solutions to fight and decrease violence against women, children, and the elderly in all its forms—physical, moral, and stereotypical. This effort includes setting partnerships with relevant local authorities, notably the Regional Delegation for Families, Children, and the Elderly.

Halloumi also announced plans to open a shelter for abused women in Nabeul by the end of April. The shelter seeks to offer psychological support to victims of violence and address the issue of recurrent abuse by supplying support mechanisms and guaranteeing financial independence through economic empowerment programs.
Efforts are underway to set regional coordination within the Regional Delegation for Women and the Family. This initiative concentrates on promptly reporting cases of violence, especially when the victim seeks medical attention, according to Halloumi.

He further stated that “147 cases of violence against women have been recorded in Nabeul, with Menzel Tamim reporting the highest number at 71 cases.” Underscoring the commitment to enforcing laws that protect women from violence, Halloumi cited Chapter 51 of the 2022 Constitution, which mandates the State to take actions to eliminate violence against women. The plan includes notifying and educating abused women, particularly in rural areas, about their rights and raising awareness among perpetrators about the severe penalties to deter recurrence and ultimately eradicate this issue.


Tunisia-Opening of 1st shelter for women victims of violence in Medenine​

By R
| 27 février 2024


On the sidelines of a working visit to the governorate of Medenine, Minister of Family Amel Belhaj Moussa took part the inauguration of the “El Amen” center for housing women victims of violence.

This center, being the first in Medenine and the 13th nationwide, stresses the government’s commitment to addressing the issue of violence against women. With a capacity of 10 beds, the “El Amen” center offers comprehensive care services to its locals, which include reception, listening, guidance, support, as well as medical and psychological monitoring.

This initiative not only provides a safe haven for women and their children who are victims of violence but also represents a critical expansion of the social support network available to these vulnerable populations within the country.


Tunisia-Naila Zaghlami: “Abused women are death survivors ” [Video]​

By R
| 6 mars 2024

Every month, at least two or around three victims of violence against them are registered, the President of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, Naila Zaghlami told Tunisie Numérique

Zaghlami added that this matter is unacceptable and the state must bear its responsibility for the violence against women and the killing of women, emphasising that it is also essential for civil society to play its role in this issue.

Our speaker confirmed that the listening centres obtain at least a thousand women who are victims of violence every year. She went on to say that abused women are survivors of death and called for the necessity to support all efforts to protect women.


Tunisia - Associations calling for development of national multisectoral strategy to combat domestic violence​

By R
| 8 avril 2024


Women and Citizenship” and “Aswaat Nissa” associations have called for the development of a multi-sectoral national strategy to fight domestic violence.

They furthermore called for giving more importance to women’s requests for protection.

Note that the Minister of Women, Families and the Elderly Amel Belhaj Moussa revealed on a radio that 69 feminicides were registered between 2018 and 2023.


Tunisia - Aswat Nissaa calls for end to femicide​

By R
| 13 avril 2024


The Tunisian association Aswat Nissaa noted, in its latest press release, the increase in feminicides calling on the competent authorities to interfere to put an end to this phenomenon.

The same source revealed that 7 femicides have been registered since the beginning of the current year, underlining that the results for the year 2023 are alarming with a total of 25 cases.

“This phenomenon arouses among women a persistent feeling of insecurity for fear of undergoing femicide” we read in the press release.

Bizerte : Opening of the “El Amen” center for the accommodation of women victims of violence [Photos + Video]


By D . | 05 August 2024 at 17:10

Amel Belhaj Moussa, Minister of Women, Family and the Elderly, supervised this Monday, August 5, the opening of the “El Amen” center for the accommodation of women victims of violence and their children, in the governorate of Bizerte, in the presence of several regional officials.

The minister revealed to the microphone of the correspondent of Tunisie Numérique that this is the 14th center nationwide, with a capacity of 16 beds.“From January 1 to June 30 of this year, 4,050 calls regarding violence against women were received via the green line 1899.

Until the end of June 2024, 167 women victims of violence and 177 children were received,” revealed Belhaj Moussa.

View: https://youtu.be/8P3BGnXhwk0

Tunisia – Saïed orders creation of a social protection fund female agricultural workers​

By R
| 26 août 2024


President of the Republic, Kais Saied, welcomed this afternoon, Monday, August 26, 2024, at Carthage Palace, prime minister Mr. Kamel Maddouri.

The Head of State underscored that each official must be at the service of citizens, men and women, and be a model of virtue and generosity.

On another level, the President of the Republic permitted the beginning of the development of a text relating to creating a social protection fund for agricultural workers that would guarantee them health coverage and insurance against work accidents and occupational diseases, with a retirement pension.

Tunisia : 20 femicides since the beginning of the year! :eek:


By D . | September 17, 2024 at 10:52

“20 femicides since the beginning of 2024 reflect a tragic reality that is getting worse every day, with a worrying increase in these crimes,” announced the Aswat Nissaa association.

“In the absence of effective public policies to combat violence against women, we are seeing a continued increase in murders targeting women.

This situation coincides with a rise in hate speech on social media and a growing normalization of violence against women, which further aggravates the crisis,” the same source said.