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Meanwhile in Belarus - Тим часом у Білорусі - Тем временем в Беларуси

April 28, 2024

„Tu nie wytrzymują długo nawet strażnicy”. Kolonia w Nowopołocku to jedno z najsurowszych miejsc na Białorusi​

May 1, 2024

Для Лукашенка будують величезну резиденцію під Сочі. Експерти вважають, що це для втечі з Білорусі​

СМИ: Лукашенко строит под Сочи огромную резиденцию в горах. Это запасной аэродром для его отъезда из Беларуси, говорят эксперты​


People are persecuted, Lukashenko basks in wealth: Belarus spent USD 14 mln on luxurious residence​

UATV English

A luxurious building in the center of Minsk is being converted into the new residence of Alexander Lukashenko. Investigators came into possession of documents with a detailed description of the reconstruction of the building, supply agreements and estimates.

A group of former Belarusian law enforcement officers BELPOL published the film 'Lukashenko’s New Residence. Shower of Impressions.' What does the regime spend Belarusian taxpayers' money on - see in a material.


smileys116.gif Drone Attack on Minsk: Belarus KGB's Accusations Against Lithuania​

UATV English

Belarus' KGB head Ivan Tertel claimed to have stopped a drone attack on Minsk, allegedly planned by Lithuania, during the seventh All-Belarusian National Assembly.

Lithuania denied the accusation, with analysts suggesting these statements are for a domestic audience to reinforce President Lukashenko's power.

The Assembly's new military doctrine is more aggressive than Russia's, focusing on threats from neighbouring countries.

Find out how these developments impact Belarus' internal security and its relations with neighbouring states.

May 3, 2024

The Human Cost Of Dismantling Belarus's Independent Media​

June 9, 2024

В Беларуси строят новые ангары для российских «Искандеров»​

June 12, 2024

В Беларуси гражданке Литвы вынесли приговор за «шпионаж»​

Belarus sentences Lithuanian woman to 6 years in prison for espionage​

June 14, 2024

Білорусь постачала Азербайджану сучасну зброю, попри союзні відносини з Вірменією, - Politico​

The secret arms deal that cost Putin an ally :p



Putin should be afraid then, right ? popc1.gif

У Білорусі погрожують, що застосують ядерну зброю у разі «загрози незалежності»​

30 червня, 22:45
July 4, 2024
