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Tunisian Economy

Real costs of bread, semolina, couscous and pasta in Tunisia: The details


By Mohsen Tiss | July 20, 2024 at 1:17 p.m.

Quoted by Radio Express Fm radio, agricultural expert Anis Ben Rayana revealed details on the real costs of bread, pasta, couscous and semolina in Tunisia which are food products subsidized by the State:

Baguette: 575 millimes (sold at 190 millimes)
Large loaf: 962 millimes (sold at 230 millimes)
1 Kg of Semolina: 2,855 dinars (sold at 790 millimes)
Pasta (1 kg): 3,477 dinars (sold at 805 millimes)
Couscous (1Kg): 3,475 dinars (sold at 795 millimes)

The document relating to the 2024 Citizen's Budget published by the Ministry of Finance gives additional details on expenditure on basic product subsidies estimated at a value of 3,591 million dinars, or approximately 6% of the budget.

For 2024, these grant expenditures will be distributed as follows:

Cereals: 2446 million dinars
Sugar, pasta and couscous, milk and paper: 765 million dinars
Vegetable oils: 380 million dinars

Maidani Dawi : “Rumors about poisoning of Watermelon caused great losses to farmers” [Video]​

By R
| 22 juillet 2024

View: https://youtu.be/u9sDZjZLUTw

Today, Monday, in a statement to Tunisie Numéerique, the head of the Tunisian Union of Field Peasants, Maidani Dawi, condemned everything that is being circulated concerning the diseases that may be caused by “Watermelon,” the favourite crop of Tunisians in the summer.

Dawi stated that the rumours being circulated through social media required him to interfere and explain many times through the media, highlighting that the authorities responsible for the health safety of food products had issued the results of their analysis, which confirmed the safety of “Watermelon.”

The speaker explained that this problem has taken on another dimension, as it has caused major losses at the level of production systems, for farmers, and for some producing companies as well, and has caused a significant reduction in the price of a kilogram of wheat, which will harm the production cycle.

The head of the Farmers’ Union called on the state and concerned authorities to intervene after social media became the dominant factor in food security.


Tunisia: More than 150 economic offenses noted yesterday​

By R
| 27 juillet 2024


In its latest report, the Ministry of the Interior reported that 155 economic reports were drawn up during the last 24 hours by teams reporting to the municipal police.

More than 50 legal reports were drawn up and 124 parking point dismantling operations were revealed, as indicated by the same source.

Béja : Prices at the Beb Zenaiez market

View: https://youtu.be/s1m3H8XJ7wI

By D. | 21 minutes ago Dec 3, 2024

The correspondent of Tunisie Numérique went this morning to the Beb Zenaiez municipal market to report the prices of several products